matthew draper 138.jpg
workshop 141.jpg
Pasacale 032.jpg
tony franks 2.jpg
p shone 285.jpg
patricia thom 03.jpg
rings 5.jpg
Juli Bolanos Durman 02.jpg
portrait of man with deer antler jewellery
portrait of man with deer antler jewellery
method studios 036.jpg
susie redman 05.jpg
clay covered hands making a pot
clay covered hands making a pot
photograph by Shannon Tofts of hand made furniture
photograph by Shannon Tofts of hand made furniture
carved seaweed sculpture
carved seaweed sculpture
work 135.jpg
hand made silver ring in landscape
hand made silver ring in landscape
close up of silversmith engraving bowl
close up of silversmith engraving bowl
photograph of mosaic artist
photograph of mosaic artist
silver neckalce
silver neckalce
glass boxes
glass boxes
long exposure of glass maker in action
long exposure of glass maker in action
glass lamb sculpture
glass lamb sculpture
Harry Morgan glass and concrete sculpture
Harry Morgan glass and concrete sculpture
porceline beakers
porceline beakers
collage of exhibition by Mhairi Killin
collage of exhibition by Mhairi Killin
photo by Shannon Tofts of girl wearing necklace
photo by Shannon Tofts of girl wearing necklace
work 09.jpg
image of book binding
image of book binding
reclaimed glass sculpture
reclaimed glass sculpture
Doug Fitch and Hannah Macandrew, Scottish potters
Doug Fitch and Hannah Macandrew, Scottish potters
detail of patterned ceramic vessel by Shannon Tofts
detail of patterned ceramic vessel by Shannon Tofts
portrait of ceramic artist holding blue vase
portrait of ceramic artist holding blue vase
close up of silver brooch on workbench
close up of silver brooch on workbench
silver claret jugs
silver claret jugs
glass makers in action
glass makers in action
Keiko Mukaide
Keiko Mukaide
hands holding black ceramic bowl by Shannon Tofts
hands holding black ceramic bowl by Shannon Tofts
hands holding handmade silver bowl
hands holding handmade silver bowl
hands covered in clay by Shannon Tofts
hands covered in clay by Shannon Tofts
black and white photo of Shetland basket maker
black and white photo of Shetland basket maker
matthew draper 132.jpg
John Creed portrait
John Creed portrait
Michael Lloyd portrait at workbench
Michael Lloyd portrait at workbench
Pippa Drysdale in workshop in Australia
Pippa Drysdale in workshop in Australia
black and white picture of traditional bladesmith
black and white picture of traditional bladesmith
Wlliam Kirk Scottish silversmth by Shannon Tofts
Wlliam Kirk Scottish silversmth by Shannon Tofts
traditional scottish chair maker
traditional scottish chair maker
traditional boat builder on Harris Scotland
traditional boat builder on Harris Scotland
tapestry artist portrait
tapestry artist portrait
Pasacale 035.jpg
raku black vessels
raku black vessels
portrait of designer bookbinder in studio
portrait of designer bookbinder in studio
Carrie Fertig, glass artist
Carrie Fertig, glass artist
colourfull red necklace
colourfull red necklace
gold ring
gold ring
hands holding small silver box
hands holding small silver box
Susan Cross black and white picture of silver necklace
Susan Cross black and white picture of silver necklace
Anna Gordon annodised silver brooch
Anna Gordon annodised silver brooch
concrete sculpture
concrete sculpture
portrait by Shannon Tofts of wood carver
portrait by Shannon Tofts of wood carver
Fair Isles chair maker portrait
Fair Isles chair maker portrait
green porceline pot by Andy Priestman
green porceline pot by Andy Priestman
black and white portrait of ceramisist
black and white portrait of ceramisist
details of glass making tools
details of glass making tools
close up of basket maker
close up of basket maker
exhibition installation of glass by Andrea Walsh
exhibition installation of glass by Andrea Walsh
silver and gold plated brooch by Anna Gordon
silver and gold plated brooch by Anna Gordon
silver and gold necklace
silver and gold necklace
patricia thom 04.jpg
small ceramic bowl on dark backdrop
small ceramic bowl on dark backdrop
colourful yarn for weaving
colourful yarn for weaving
glass and silver vessels photographed by Shannon Tofts
glass and silver vessels photographed by Shannon Tofts
large concrete and glass hanging sculpture
large concrete and glass hanging sculpture
small slip glazed bowl on potters wheel
small slip glazed bowl on potters wheel
black and white photo of silver necklace on model
black and white photo of silver necklace on model
hazel frost 129.jpg
lena 07.jpg
kerry 004.jpg
work 130.jpg
araminta campbell 094.jpg
carol sinclair 07.jpg
glenturret 04.jpg
matthew draper 112.jpg
method studios 107.jpg
ruth jones 01.jpg
sheng zang02.jpg
matthew draper 036.jpg
chalk 089.jpg
matthew draper 124.jpg
method studios 027.jpg
work 119.jpg
work 219.jpg
portraits 01.jpg
Pasacale 012.jpg
Pasacale 115.jpg
work 33.jpg
John Warner 2.jpg
matthew draper 138.jpg
workshop 141.jpg
Pasacale 032.jpg
tony franks 2.jpg
p shone 285.jpg
patricia thom 03.jpg
rings 5.jpg
Juli Bolanos Durman 02.jpg
portrait of man with deer antler jewellery
portrait of man with deer antler jewelleryPatricia Neimann
method studios 036.jpg
susie redman 05.jpg
clay covered hands making a pot
clay covered hands making a potSarah-Jane Selwood, photograph of hands making ceramics
photograph by Shannon Tofts of hand made furniture
photograph by Shannon Tofts of hand made furnitureAlistair Campbell
carved seaweed sculpture
carved seaweed sculptureMathew Reade
work 135.jpg
hand made silver ring in landscape
hand made silver ring in landscapeAosdana
close up of silversmith engraving bowl
close up of silversmith engraving bowl
photograph of mosaic artist
photograph of mosaic artistJoanna Kessel
silver neckalce
silver neckalceSara Keith, textile artist portrait
glass boxes
glass boxesAndrea Walsh glasss artist
long exposure of glass maker in action
long exposure of glass maker in action
glass lamb sculpture
glass lamb sculpture
Harry Morgan glass and concrete sculpture
Harry Morgan glass and concrete sculptureHarry Morgan glass and concrete sculpture
porceline beakers
porceline beakersAndrea Walsh
collage of exhibition by Mhairi Killin
collage of exhibition by Mhairi Killin
photo by Shannon Tofts of girl wearing necklace
photo by Shannon Tofts of girl wearing necklace
work 09.jpg
image of book binding
image of book bindingAnnette Freidrich
reclaimed glass sculpture
reclaimed glass sculptureJuli Bolanos-Durham
Doug Fitch and Hannah Macandrew, Scottish potters
Doug Fitch and Hannah Macandrew, Scottish pottersHannah McAndrew & Doug Fitch, scottish potters portrait
detail of patterned ceramic vessel by Shannon Tofts
detail of patterned ceramic vessel by Shannon Tofts
portrait of ceramic artist holding blue vase
portrait of ceramic artist holding blue vaseLara Scobie, Scottish ceramacist
close up of silver brooch on workbench
close up of silver brooch on workbench
silver claret jugs
silver claret jugs
glass makers in action
glass makers in action
Keiko Mukaide
Keiko MukaideKeiko Mukaide portrait taken at her studio
hands holding black ceramic bowl by Shannon Tofts
hands holding black ceramic bowl by Shannon ToftsTony Franks
hands holding handmade silver bowl
hands holding handmade silver bowl
hands covered in clay by Shannon Tofts
hands covered in clay by Shannon ToftsSarah-Jane Selwood
black and white photo of Shetland basket maker
black and white photo of Shetland basket makerJimmy Work, Shetland basket maker
matthew draper 132.jpg
John Creed portrait
John Creed portraitJohn Creed, silversmith, blacksmith, Scottish silversmith
Michael Lloyd portrait at workbench
Michael Lloyd portrait at workbenchMichael Lloyd
Pippa Drysdale in workshop in Australia
Pippa Drysdale in workshop in AustraliaPippa Drysdale
black and white picture of traditional bladesmith
black and white picture of traditional bladesmithRobin Millar
Wlliam Kirk Scottish silversmth by Shannon Tofts
Wlliam Kirk Scottish silversmth by Shannon ToftsWlliam Kirk
traditional scottish chair maker
traditional scottish chair makerJimmy Fergus
traditional boat builder on Harris Scotland
traditional boat builder on Harris ScotlandJohn Maculay
tapestry artist portrait
tapestry artist portraitSarah Brennan
Pasacale 035.jpg
raku black vessels
raku black vessels
portrait of designer bookbinder in studio
portrait of designer bookbinder in studioFaith Shannon
Carrie Fertig, glass artist
Carrie Fertig, glass artistCarrie Fertig glass chadelier installation
colourfull red necklace
colourfull red necklaceSarah Keay
gold ring
gold ringKaren Donovan
hands holding small silver box
hands holding small silver box
Susan Cross black and white picture of silver necklace
Susan Cross black and white picture of silver necklaceSusan Cross, Scottish jewellery
Anna Gordon annodised silver brooch
Anna Gordon annodised silver broochAnna Gordon silver brooch
concrete sculpture
concrete sculptureJoanna Kessel, mosaic artist
portrait by Shannon Tofts of wood carver
portrait by Shannon Tofts of wood carverMathew Reade
Fair Isles chair maker portrait
Fair Isles chair maker portraitStewart Thompson
green porceline pot by Andy Priestman
green porceline pot by Andy Priestman
black and white portrait of ceramisist
black and white portrait of ceramisist
details of glass making tools
details of glass making tools
close up of basket maker
close up of basket maker
exhibition installation of glass by Andrea Walsh
exhibition installation of glass by Andrea WalshPhoto by Shannon Tofts
silver and gold plated brooch by Anna Gordon
silver and gold plated brooch by Anna Gordon
silver and gold necklace
silver and gold necklace
patricia thom 04.jpg
small ceramic bowl on dark backdrop
small ceramic bowl on dark backdropPatricia Shone
colourful yarn for weaving
colourful yarn for weaving
glass and silver vessels photographed by Shannon Tofts
glass and silver vessels photographed by Shannon Tofts
large concrete and glass hanging sculpture
large concrete and glass hanging sculpture
small slip glazed bowl on potters wheel
small slip glazed bowl on potters wheel
black and white photo of silver necklace on model
black and white photo of silver necklace on model
hazel frost 129.jpg
lena 07.jpg
kerry 004.jpg
work 130.jpg
araminta campbell 094.jpg
carol sinclair 07.jpg
glenturret 04.jpg
matthew draper 112.jpg
method studios 107.jpg
ruth jones 01.jpg
sheng zang02.jpg
matthew draper 036.jpg
chalk 089.jpg
matthew draper 124.jpg
method studios 027.jpg
work 119.jpg
work 219.jpg
portraits 01.jpg
Pasacale 012.jpg
Pasacale 115.jpg
work 33.jpg
John Warner 2.jpg
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